Yayınlandı: 08 Ocak 2006 / Genel
PANCU: Fenerbahçelilerin unutmak istediği ama adı Kadıköy’le özdeşleşen bir Beşiktaş’lı… Zaten Fenerbahçeliler ezeli rakibimiz Galatasaray deseler de ezeli korkularının Beşiktaş olduğunu cümle alem biliyor…
  1. Rae dedi ki:

    Hey, I don\’t know if you speak english or not, but you can use a translator on the internet if you do not understand english http://www.altavista.com Babel Fish Translator. My name is Rachel and me and my best friend Dorothy made a Numa Numa Dance video a few months ago. We did not make it because Gary (the fat guy on newgrounds.com) made one first, we made it because we love the song and the airplane video. It reminds me a lot of the video you and your friends made because we do the same thing and you look like you are having a lot of fun too. Send me an email lil_lamb88@hotmail.com if you get this message and want to see it. Thanks

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